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Funny twitter thread where BABSV Community Manager wonders aloud whether, after we watched and discussed 7 years of increasingly abject failure from BSV, we just need yet another guy on Calvin's payroll to "educate" us and show us the way
Beneficial_Bet_5354: BSV is court-order compliant.
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[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, January 05, 2025
The BSV blockchain an enterprise cybersecurity framework (eBook)
Glad to see CSW is adjusting well to his new paradigm.
What projects are running on Kaspa?
What the heck is this demo on nChain website?
Someone should put Scott on a watchlist
DnB krever mine Wallet adresser..
Official: Craig Wright is a criminal fugitive on the run from the UK government hiding out in Thailand. He is sentenced to 1 year in UK prison. He must repay all UK costs related to contempt.
"Wright appears to be in some sort of small room" - I like the beginning of this adventure already.
It's hard to tell if Faketoshi's claim that he can't afford a ticket to London is a lie. He lies all the time but it's also possible that he can't afford it after the sugar daddy ditched him.
Post in this thread if you're rich enough to afford a few days off work and a plane ticket from Asia to London. If so congrats, you're richer than Mr. Wright.
Any live reporting from tomorrow's London court proceedings?
A week until December 18. Hope Craig has booked his ticket to London!
Glem batterier: Bitcoin-mining er den nye oljen.
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