Experience with POTS replacements?
Giveaway! One (or two) hit wonders. Comment to enter. Round 1
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Fluance RT82 Reference Table w/ a Ortofon OM10 Cartridge
Lost Dog in St John’s
A fan of metal prongs bent at the end with a plastic handle
Found in my change last night!
In-wall RCA through loud EM zone
$25CAD for 'not working' Philips 312 DC Servo Belt Drive Electronic Turntable (assuming it has cartridge). Worth it? I'm a heck of a tinkerer / fixer.
The US military is now talking openly about going on the attack in space | "We have to build capabilities that provide our leadership offensive and defensive options."
Sitting on a coworkers desk for months. We don’t know what type of seed this is.
Slayer pinball
Mushroom 🍄 Pics Round III: Fall is the Best Season
Tiny perfect tomato I grew
Is Carp Fishing simply casting out bait and waiting?
Seeking Guidance on Growing Morel Mushrooms on a Farm
Came back from vacation and ants built their colony in my laptop
[QUESTION] This is the most unique guitar I own and have ever come across- does anyone know where it came from? The headstock says Jay Turser, but I've found no record of it ever existing
Busted EOS Switch Gottlieb Top Card
Pork belly good nipple bad
Hi does anybody know if there’s someone who could remove this kiln please. Dorset uk
A Detailed Timeline of the Haggis Pinball Collapse
Two of the Older F-15Cs landing at PDX Today
Anybody interested in adding to this list of ways to save money on pottery tools?
Nice surprise in an Airbnb
Metal object with what appears to be copper wire on the inside. Slightly bigger than a pair of nail clippers. What is it?