Is the type 74 good?
What do you think about this ?
Which tank has performed the best in Ukraine?
Loading 90mm practice shells
Need help identifying this IFV
T-72AV Simulator used by Kazakhstan Tank Crews
Name this tank my friend made (Wrong Answers Only)
I feel like the War Drawings guys are crazy
Landsverk L-5 produced in 1929 as an experimental chassis for a wheeled-and-tracked vehicle.
Ride elefant to school 🐘
What difference helmet of this helmet used by Tanker
Can anybody provide additional information on any of these oddities found in the Defense Services Museum of Myanmar? Supposedly they were all constructed at some point.
Universal Carrier field modified with a 2-pounder anti-tank gun mount by Australian troops in North Africa circa 1942
Does other navy (except US Navy and IJN ) used Tank ?
Malaysia: "we can't afford bullet trains.". Meanwhile in China...
Highspeed train vs cars.
Nice🗿(I don't know what I did)
Some What-if tank kit bash model of a M3 Halftrack with an M3 Stuart turret on the back I found on some old forum page
What modern and Cold War tank and Armoured Vehicles would used by Palestine?
Hear me out…..Aussie platoons
Poland was USA best fan
First day of iftar be like