Is it a good idea for a gay man like me to live with a religious Muslim flatmate in the student apartment ?
What sub genre of dnb is this song? Also can you revommend similiar songs/artists?
Zezima is just a chill guy
Highlights of Pekka Rinne's final game (15.2.2025, 3rd division [4th highest league] in Finland)
Sonny Milano has insane arm reach
Which of these are usually the most accurate after draft day?
Whats your favorite vandal skin and why?
What do you hate about Valorant????
What is the loudest sounding Phantom skin?
Ice hockey games?
What UFC fighter do you relate to the most?
did a tamtrum because I didn't feed her in a eternity(30minutes) and then she went to sleep with one eye open while i pet her, daring me to stop petting her, roast my diva girl
What part of the game excites you the most?
Help me choose! Which frames?
What’s this (asking for a friend lol) (not really I just don’t know what tf this is lowkey gonna crash out)
What type of glasses look best on me?
Which Pair?
What brand logo is that on his shirt?