It really do be like that
Albums where the last song uses melodies or lyrics from the first song?
Day 12: What’s the best Track 12 in a David Bowie album?
Day 13: Bonus track! What's the best Track 13+ or bonus track on a David Bowie album?
What's the hardest hitting / most personal emo record in your opinion
emo christmas songs. extra hard: NO emo revival
Day 11: What’s the best Track 11 in a David Bowie album?
Day 10: What’s the best Track 10 in a David Bowie album?
Day 9: What’s the best Track 9 in a David Bowie album?
QC before shipment of these Jordan 4 Black Cats
Day 8: What’s the best Track 8 in a David Bowie album?
Day 7: What’s the best Track 7 in a David Bowie album?
Day 6: What’s the best Track 6 on a David Bowie album?
Favorite wave of emo and why?
Day 5: What's the best Track 5 on David Bowie album?
Day 4: What's the best track 4 on a David Bowie album?
Day 2: What's the best Track 2 on a Queen album?
Day 3: What's the best track 3 on a David Bowie album?
Day 1: What's the best track 1 on a Pink Floyd album?
Day 1: What's the best track 1 on a Queen album?
Day 1: What's the best track 1 on a Beatles album?
Day 1: What's the best track 1 on a Green Day album?
Day 1: What's the best track 1 on a David Bowie album?
Day 2: What's the best track 2 on a David Bowie album?
if this ain’t the truth