The one thing that bugs me most
What signs crush on you
Who are the best liars of the zodiac?
Dating Apps
For anyone who decided to not have children, is there anyone who regrets it?
GUYS: How long do you chat before asking a girl out?
Advice, Aries older women!
Would I be more compatible with a Virgo or a Scorpio? . I’m an Aries sun and moon. Scorpio rising.
This is mosty for guys
What’s your sign and what sign(s) do you you attract?
Should I invite her in after the date???
How to approach her? I'm a 20M and she is a 26F. I'm not really sure how to go about it.
What’s a job you’ve done where everyone hates you but you’re literally just doing your job?
How do I stop getting friendzoned?
How are you, Aries?
Should I go to this "dating event"?
Has anyone attended a singles event?
When someone says "Let's take a break", how do you interpret that?
Where do you actually meet girls around 25+?
Guy flaked on our 3rd date, said he got lost in the woods…how do I tell him that was not cool
Anybody ever see the same women on different dating apps in your city?
Texting Tier List
Do you pay on the first date?
Serious question about compatibility.
Has anyone ever reached out to a past date that rejected you initially?