Cool guy gives son his opinion on country music.
The Mayor of Little Rock the Governor of Arkansauce 😈 the best rapper that ever worked at no jumper. Kat DADDY 😈
Tony looking upset at Hans for his wack ass Drake joke
To be a marine
New Way to Slide a Ledge!
This is by far my fav Big Red Machine moment. Ep 486
Taking on a jeweler selling blood diamonds and blood gold
Can't wait for the press conference where he calls the shooter gay
Well Shane got his wish Trump just got shot at a rally IN Pennsylvania.
David «yo ass» Lucas
Twerking on a cop car..
Hey Redban, you can use this if you want...
Phil what the hell.
Drunk driver plummeted through nail saloon / Had 18 beers before
Adderall is one helleva drug
This description of Hans feels like a backhanded compliment 🤣🤣
What episode made you realize that you love Kill Tony?
Who do we think the panel for the MSG shows will be?
We are moving to Netflix boys
Eminem talking about Diddy 😭
Jeremiah as Rogan might be the hardest I've ever laughed watching Kill Tony
There's a shoe sale going on in Los Angeles
Anybody staying up till midnight for the new Eminem album tonight?!?
Mom needs to go back to school.
Tonight Show - Sublime : Feel Like That
Stale jokes