If somebody offered you $1,000 because you're ugly, what is the appropriate response?
I'm 41 and got dumped. It's not going well.
Holy crap - Trump doing live Presser now… vowing to release info on the “drones” on Day 1.
Canada Lawmaker Suggests Letting 3 US States Join, Get Free Health Care
What was your car progression until you hit your BMW?
Am I overreacting? Boyfriend is upset I’m not talking to him more while visiting family out of state I only get to see once- twice a year
AIO For Cutting My Friend Off After I Wasn’t Invited to The Wedding?
AITA for wanting to split inheritance money equally between my kids when my wife wants to prioritize one?
Is BMW really worth it?
Are 230I that bad?
Who's in the wrong here?
Am I the Jerk for Refusing to Pay for My Brother's Wedding After He Exposed My Secret Relationship?
I Was Turning Left Into Work, Blinker On, When Someone Tried to Pass Me
Government says: Aliens are visiting us. What happens next? To society, the economy, geopolitics, and our view of the human condition.
What’s a dci moment that’ll forever be breathtaking to you
What does my fridge say about me?
This lady murders a 10 year old boy while texting and driving and the maximum sentence is 90 days in jail and a $300 fine
Bosa? Anyone tried this place?
Gimme some movies where the good guys *don’t* win, like they don’t get away and all die or something
Scientists Warn of Catastrophic Threat: Halt Urged on Synthetic “Mirror Life” Research
Thats much more interesting
Where is the best place to live during nuclear war?
Remote Engine Start