For the love of GOD please just give Y5 a goddamn chance
Dragon Age Origins and II actually made me consider reading a book
Investment portfolio: it’s what’s for dinner
123 hours and 48 minutes into persona 4 gameplay
CMV: A $174k salary is not enough for members of Congress
Give me thematic teams for DP please.
[DAV Spoilers] In the first act how would you make Solas' plan better?
Peak character design
TikTok working?
Is Boruto worth watching?
What is your favourite battle between the four of Orochimaru's squad and Shikamaru's rescue squad?
What's something that Daima does better than GT (and vice versa)?
4 months to make IBYMBYBMYL?
Redditor justifies spending $6000 on pornography
How do you view the balance between femininity and masculinity in women?
People who bought the Season Pass months ago
What "big games" that you never played before are you looking into playing this year?
Name a video game you beat once and dont have the patience to beat again
What websites can I use to buy jewelry for my anniversary
ME2 isn't better than the others
Well, that was the last of Star Wars 2024 (on TV at least) what were your thoughts in general?
harry cameos and the new channel ?
Somebody cooked here.
1h of Peterson on Jung (Nietzsche's in there too) to Guitar
Sakura is Uncomfortably obsessed with Sasuke