Just can't get pass this wizard.
Why not!?
The Two Faces of Zionism
Mythologizing American Politics
Great article about the arrest of Ali Abunimah from Electronic Intifada. ‘We do not want an Islamist Jew-hater, who calls for violence, in Switzerland.’
Israel is now killing children through putting small bombs on soda cans
It’s genocide
Despite IDF warning of rocket strike, Nova party not shut down, new information revealed
Norman Finkelstein, scholar and the son of holocaust survivors: I don’t believe a single word the 'Israelis' say, if I asked the 'Israelis' what’s the weather? Whatever they'd say I would still look out of the window to check.
They will never get over it.
W33bs clutching their waifu pillows: "He would never in a million years!!"
According to these idiots "woke non American" will be effect by Trump executive order on after he removed "Woke" policies
Trump wants Jordan and Egypt to accept more refugees and floats plan to ‘just clean out’ Gaza
Many can't comprehend that both are bad and both are genocides. One is ongoing.
Even Tomino was traumatised once’s.
Feeling like Geena Davis with the shotgun at the end of The Fly
John Bear "membincang" tentang "sumpahan" Pulau Pinang sebab signage mereka dlm bahasa Inggeris.
r/JewsOfConscience Free Discussion Thread
Breaking from Z**n***: Jewish Voices for Justice
Breaking from Zionism: Jewish Voices for Justice
Zionism in a nutshell
"Judaism is being recast as an instrument of empire"
Dave Tripplay can't even with poor widdle billionaire just waving his one hand.
Moriel English trying to explain difference between Roman salute vs THAT salute (Spoiler: He didn't)