Al is such a hypocrite
Do I have a chance?
You learn something new every day(video about cousin marriage)
Why would ROK auto teleport me away from my alliance?
Only a Muslim can ask this question
Could i include this in my honors
Muslims think this is real 😂 defending it in the comments
Was Muslim, saw this on TikTok, now I’m done.
Viking Alliance
Using Pen Name for Dissertation.
Equatorial Mount for Nexstar 8SE
Questions about Natlan Design.
Raiden Teams helpppo
How do I get past this door?
What is this, and if its a hidden chest how do I get it?
When was The Hekzincirkle mentioned in the main story
Stamina Increase for All Statues
Which Crit Ratio is better
Was bennet ever in the main story
Am I dumb or is there no statue of the seven in Belleau
Bug In Sumeru World Quest
I Need help with a Bug
I need a summery of stuff to do with the defenders
NexStar 8SE vs 6SE