Taking 600mg tn need help
DXM Potentiators for euphoria
doing the pink spider pill and dxm together for the first time
puttin the gross soft gels in water?
How long should I wait after DXM to get back on SSRIs?
It’s over
I think I just fucked up.
3g of shroom
What’s the main reason you dose?
I love this drug too much
Idk what the fuck happened
How often can you do DXM?
The Yawns Go Crazy
looking 4 dexxrz 2 dex with | the_1dexter <-- discord
I took 250mg and then 500mg a couple days later. 500mg was barely stronger than this 250. Is that tolerance, so fast? how long does it last for?
Does music feel longer to y'all?
Boutta have a night (got 3)
hallucination question
What’s your favorite song currently?
Recommended 3rd plat dose
Is it okay to reach second plateau with mucinex?
Cevs have a border and low fov?
How come pooping and peeing have different visceral reflex arcs?