How widely is accepted that Mark is written in a chiastic structure?
What is the most intertextual literary piece you know of?
Why does pluto have so much power, even though it is an outer planet and smaller than the rest?
What is hard evidence, if any, that the Gospels were written after the destruction of the temple?
How do you see climate consciousness developing in 2025/2026?
Some analysis why have Matthew and Luke changed the chronology of Mark?
Do you think Saturn in Aries will bring more or less conflicts?
Question about charging old batteries
Few questions on roman censorship in general
Which kind of sign wont be given to this generation?
How does Paul's "in" Christ sound originally?
What did the planets look like when tiktok was shut down in the USA?
How long and is Vesta usually visible to the naked eye?
Is Paul author of one of the gospels?
Do you see some signs of climate agenda going crazy in 2025?
What are cathedrals and churches ruled by in astrology?
Did ancient peoples knew for planets after Saturn?
Did ancient people knew for distant planets?
Are the heavens called "hammered-out bracelet" somewhere in the bible?
Do you think the elites are playing games with hinduism and buddhism as well?
BBC Jane Stanley reporting WTC 7 collapse 23mins prematurely blamed on Reuters
Were there any jewish groups in the time of Jesus who were not waiting for the messiah?
Jupiter in cancer
What are Maurice Casey's arguments for dating Mark early?
Strange but familiar feeling.