Trope where the main character is only the main character by technicality, and someone else outshines them
Name your favorite character of black history month
21st Century witch tools.
One of my biggest pet peeves as an Ace, having unnecessary sex scenes thrown in near the beginning of tv shows and movies
Stupid question about Aphrodite
RR men, how do you want to be proposed to?
Why do I feel a sensation in my neck when I hear a bat clicking?
When a meme is a little too real
What some items/clothing do you wish to add?
what do you guys admire most about amber
What a fucking asshole
Favorite blind character
Am I the only one who gets RR vibes from "Weirdo" Girl characters?
Olympus Mons: The biggest volcano in our star system!
Losercity Gaming (Artist: furiarossa)
Royal characters who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and fight
Today marks one month since Donald Trump took office.
Shazam was a documentary (This guy really is a manchild)
Why didn’t the ghoul kill Maximus?
Favourite media character?
Do y’all think it would be out of place in the Fallout TV show to introduce us to the mystery stranger or Aliens?
Are the Mods Active here?