Lesbians that like losers exist?
What exactly do you feel when noises are overstimulating?
Any good wlw animated shows to watch?
Anyone else have less tolerance as an adult?
My first dachshund
what's your weirdest sensory "yum"?
I'm confused
What were your biggest “wait, neurotypicals don’t do that?” realizations?
Tell me you have autism, without saying: "I have autism".
I'm confused af about my sexuality
I've never felt accepted in neurotypical progressive spaces
I feel lonely
I keep seeing posts about how conventionally attractive women with autism are treated
I didn't realize how cruel people can be due to my autism. Can anyone else relate?
How do you feel about gossip?
What's your all "Special Interest"?
Using clothes feel weird
Do you do art?
What social cues have confused you?
Guys is it possible to be diagnosed of both autism and ADHD?
Does anyone else eat the strangest combos of food and genuinely enjoy it?
Were any of you called ugly as a child or teenager?
Does anyone feel their autism is helpful in dating?
I have a Question to you guys: What was your Favorite Genre of Music?
You hate yourself for being autistic?