"Mein Mann hat das repariert"
When you’re 6’9 and fly Delta
Guten Morgen liebe Rettungsdienst Gemeinde von Reddit
Tall people that work at desks- do you have any office chair recommendations for those with long legs?
A bit of a chemistry one
Where do you guys be?
Hausverwaltung will Newsletter nicht stoppen
Once a user mutes a sub, related subs shouldn't be more recommended, but instead less, since muting is often fueled by a feeling of irrelevance/annoyance from the matters of discussion presented
Wasserstoffperoxid gegen Schimmel
Duftintensive Ausscheidungen 💨
Verdammte Hippies 🥦
Essen im Krankenhaus bei Schluckstörungen und Pankreasinsuffizienz
Well this seems normal
US bathroom dividers are awkward for everyone
Saman Döner, Kalk Post, Köln, 7,50€
Ignorant fools
Da schloss ich erstmal die Fenster.
Two scientists walk into a bar... and only leave us with punny jokes. Gotta love the nerdy humor!
pig meme
Tempomat: Wann genau gehen Bremslichter eigentlich an?
Was haltet ihr von (fehlendem) Jugendschutz aka was tat man meiner Horn-Seite an?
Just found this sub. Here is a funny picture of me trying to style my hair in the mirror of my home.
Blursed Curtains