Can we get a dev response on why matchmaking is the way it is?
too all those MM posters
Predecessor subreddit and discord ban anyone that gives negative feedback
Aren’t AFKs supposed to prevent VP loss?
Once again asking for afk Vp loss forgiveness
We need stricter matchmaking for parties.
Junglers - If you start on offlane side gank early and you get the kill but your offlaner dies....
Mina dodged a laser. Does that make her Faster than Light?
"We're Duo" proceeds to go 0/95/0
VAR Offside lines for Kylian Mbappé's disallowed goal
Best Austrian beers
Gotta love the Khan for actually weighting his options before picking a side.
Before and after...his teammate said racism doesn't matter and barca dogs were praising him .this is karma alright
Unpopular opinion Boa needs a Buff
Warhammer 40k Spieler im Burgenland oder östlichen Niederösterreich?
Just realized the new super-heavy tank destroyer support battalion makes your tanks basically unusable, why?
I don’t understand “reworking” Wraith to make him weaker than he was before.
Explain Kwang Nerf
How far is 475u?
Mourn, New characters
I must know, which character is this for you?
Read the F*ing chat in lobby!
Weave. Very new to the game.
Vini with a Mallorca player at the end of the game
My Tierlist based on Evilness!