What's a gen z hot take that'll make you end up like this?
I feel like I've ruined myself by not using social media. Any tips?
Why are people so needy & clingy these days?
How do you maintain friends without mutual hobbies?
What did you think people were exaggerating about until you experienced it yourself ?
Do you shower in the morning or when you go to sleep? And why?
How do you learn to accept being a quiet introvert in real life?
How are you guys and girls feeling today?
I don’t like to share food!
Looking for small discord servers to socialize in.
complaining - gen z vs gen x
Anyone else not really have a passion?
Is it just me or does dating in our generation suck?
I'm trying to finish up my master’s and start a PhD. Apparently I picked the wrong time to be born.
Why are you Americans not doing anything?
My husband doesn't understand what racism is and why it's bad?????? WTFFF
Would it be weird if I had a one night stand with my (not blood related) cousin?
I noticed i have a weird trait
What’s a simple pleasure in life that feels borderline luxurious?
It seems like no one in my college cares about making new friends or talking to anyone outside of their pre-existing friend group
i'm so socially awkward with my close friends how do I stop
Best friend of 10 years is going through a difficult time and need advice on navigating strained friendship.
Single friend but you're in a couple etiquette?
how can i be more social with my friends
Putting myself out there