New to this
Im rewatching the flash, wtf happend with the last few seasons
Poop everywhere!
What was the biggest middle finger to fans in the history of Buffy or Angel?
Whats the love for wally west about?
Assassin's Creed 1 spoiled the entire franchise for me ngl
Got to say, 6 hours in and Mirage is boring me to tears.
If every character was single who would you date?
issue with ileostomy leakage
Are people excited about Shadows?
How to get over the inevitable hate from your own community.
Wait so… is Dean considered an alcoholic?
Big Bad Battle Royale - Round 2
With the previews coming out in a couple of weeks, what are you most looking forward to see from the game?
Should The New Earth Avatar Regain The Connection To The Other Past Avatars, or Keep The Connection Lost?
Not a fan of Grace
What's the deal with Agent Vasquez? She was a recurring background character but had no plot relevance.
IGN post had Andy Muschietti quoted saying "People just Don't care about the Flash". I made a correction.
So i have been watching Buffy for the first time since i was a kid(i am 29 now) and loving it but i was not aware till now Angel had his own series too… is that any good?
What year did you start bo3?
Pick 5 for your Team
People often compare the gameplay, graphics, mechanics and et cetera between the old and new generations of AC, but what about the music?
What's your "I did not care for the godfather" take for sitcoms?
What's your "I did not care for the godfather" take for Pixar
Do you expect AC shadows to sell well?
Are white men/non-black men afraid to date outside their race because of family values or opinions?