"That makes sense" in Swedish?
conflicted about what to do about a creepy autistic kid
AIO on my gf wanting to bring around a guy she fked.
Gross racist message
What is wrong with me
Do you have a phrase for this?
Det blev sura miner i SVTs studio när Jimmie gick lös på islamiseringen, invandringen och s.k "islamofobi"
Hej, någon som kan tolka det sista som står skrivet?
New hasch laced with dancing?
Am I A Horrible Partner To My Boyfriend?
Bästa Svenska Låten - Kommentaren med flest röster efter 24 timmar kommer att läggas till i nätverket
Is Racism Inherently Evil, or Does It Have Any Justifiable Aspect?
"att" sounds like "d"
AITA for asking my roommate to see a doctor about her constant stinky farts?
Tape and Newspaper J
Thc-h and dosage
I got this from my grandpa, can anyone help translate?
Are egg timer bombs real?
Windows 10 on PC character creation crashing
Noob in need of help
Chill uncommon and rare trophie farm