Lmao what does this even mean??
POV: It's the apocalypse, which team will survive?
when did you know you hated Bob Dylan?
Which MBTI is most 🗿?
Aang is the best ENFP hero. Now who’s the best ENFJ hero? Top comment wins.
Do u guys get along with your opposite type?
Im bored, type me
My experiences with each type as an INTP
Name a band that if someone says they likes will turn you off immediately
How an ENTP sees all of the types (also stolen)
Day 1 Trying to get a comment from every subdivision (except NK)
MBTI types that are City or Country people
Is Tom Waits Culturally Punk??
An ENTJ’s POV on each MBTI type.
INFP male x ESTP female, it can work as a couple?
What is the best and worst concert you've seen and why?
Great Bob Dylan Quotes (from songs) to use in a Bio for like Instagram, etc?
What is the aspect of yourself that you dislike the most?
Who is the worst dad in lost?
İstanbulda neo-liberal fotoğraf turu
[QUESTION] what songs can i play with the tuning D G D F# A D
Meaning behind “ I Love You”
Kız arkadaşımdan nasıl kurtulurum
My Daughter? Communist.
Whose biopic would want to see more? Joey Ramone’s or Joe Strummer’s?