It's my own damn fault 😔
B Note Duplicate
$2.50 for one donut, yet 3 donuts is $9? Excuse me?
Musk owns Twitter and is now talking about purchasing TikTok. With him holding a government position, at what point is this impacting the freedom of press?
Looking for something to do!
PSA: If you own a 4a (and probably other models), Google is about to give you $50 cash, a free battery repair, or $100 to spend on a new Pixel
Ohio Republicans shirk promise to fund schools
I know it's a bit late but i upgraded over the holidays
Google will not honor pixel 4a appeasement options without proof of purchase
Pawpaw seeds
What is This Building?
Gem City Gamble - Dayton’s police corruption, gangsters and the downfall of Pete Rose: A Dayton Daily News series
Need someone to help potentially catch a criminal (not asking for anything unlawful)
Where/how to get rid of old furniture
What are you favorite "spots" in Dayton
How can the US Mint justify this pricing? Over three times spot!
What’s a name so terrible you can’t imagine anyone willingly giving it to their child?
First time token find! Penny and nickel just for scale. Never heard of Golf 'n Games before, but if that is there mascot... I do not want to go.
Birthday recommendations?
PSA: Winter Parking
Impressed with how bad some of the roads still are
1986-2024 ASEs. Patiently awaiting 2025’s to arrive
Dayton Edition™️
Question regarding Dayton
New to Dayton and have questions about our natural gas provider.