Unplug from Your Device and Meet New People! (Thu 1/16)
24 pk of eggs for $7.69 - Cypress Costco
Solis Park
Brazilian girl considering internship at UC
Tustin police say Thieves gained access to warehouse and stole weapons and humvee at the army reserve in Tustin
Surprised this happened in Irvine….
UCI nightlife?
What salary would your partner need to make for you to feel comfortable quitting your job to become a SAHM or SAHD in OC?
Parking Under Trees
They should build a lightrail or streetcar line all along this loop (woodbridge)
How’s everyone doing with this wind?
Some bar in O.C
What would student life be w/o Discord?
LOST DOG (shiba inu)
Planes Taking Off To The East Due To Winds?
I came home from college (in sacramento) and I cried because of how much I love being from here
Post-Grad Life is So Nice (So Hang In There)
It's literally the FIRST day
Questionable wealthy car choice
Neighborhood with kids activities (Elementary to HS)
Name it - OC edition
the Donkeys of UCR and possibly Moval
Does Waste Management pickup Christmas Trees?
Anywhere that's a little more lively than Irvine in OC?
How to tag someone in an RCS groupchat with iphone users