I never made a defender before let alone making it to 50 how I made 2 defenders one that's a sonic/ sonic and a kin/dual pistol, What are you favorite defender build?
MM pets die too easy
CoH on a mini PC ?
Thunderspy GM here. Let's talk about sunk cost fallacy.
Essential HP Software
Homecoming Trojan virus?
What are your game etiquette rules?
Distro recommendation for Video Gamer
Illusion / Sonic controller (high 40s) looking for IO recommendations
Multiple Sweet Tea Installations
What is a cosmetic you wish was in the game?
New to Homecoming
city of heroes
Which are the best TFs and arcs and why?
I have a wish
Tip of my tongue.. old mmorpg that for some reason played Mariah Carey Christmas song in the over world. Played around 2006?
What are your thoughts on Secret World Legends?
taking a wrong turn on your way to Primal Earth
Martial Arts and Brutes
Brand new to CoH (need build help)
Which old-school MMO would you revive if you could, and why? Is there a classic game you miss, or one you think the serves should be back online.
First CoH Trailer from 2001 Upscaled to 1440p
The future of MMORPGs is full loot.
Support: Is it in demand in the current game?
Merry Christmas 2024, City of Heroes and Villains!