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Dodge Rampage in my auto class
First it was 25 foals now this😓
Heavenly and Void kelpies 🤍🖤
does this look right i got it a few hours ago
My first horse ever
Blue Tongue Loves Veggies, Hates Protein
the riff was so good that my string broke
Got this guy today
My group of misfits
What song is your RHCP “deep cut?”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
What is this?
Proud of my first made plushie
Why does it keep changing my control settings??
Cover up
The single act of aggression my sweet sausage boy has ever committed
The filter is absolutely destroyed.
Made another species tier chart
Is my tattoo shitty?
Where do you guys be?
septum selfpiercing!! ignore my wet hair lmao