11 man MCS Streak, could have gotten more if i wasn't blind.
Biological Warfare
Suspect on foot nabbed by CCSO
Anybody want to Capt. Morgan Club seat to see Shane tonight in Pittsburgh?
A cool guide about the Map of the US states that pays more tax than what they receive from the government, courtesy of CGP grey
Battlefield 2042 Update #8.4.0
Jared Talking in his sleep
Things noticed in S2 Ep1
I’ve been a teacher all my life,Krantz said, and I think I might as well be a teacher after I’m dead, so why don’t I just give you my body.
After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal- What do you think about this?
Are we going to get anymore vault drops?
Here’s how the episodes could look if they color graded the footage from the new camera.
to do a burn out
I was going to transplant these, but my friend says these are a lost cause and won't amount to anything in flower. Says they're stunted from being in solos too long, are root bound, and there is root rot. I'm skeptical. Is he right?
Recommendations: rg406v, 406h or rgcube??
Hardcore is gone
Is anyone elses Gilly and Keeves special expired?
Offensive comment
Gard Dawg Guarantee
Tomorrow, mark your posts as SPOILER, and do not put spoilers in the Titles!!!!
Need to keep a hardcore mode
Anyone in swfl area that has a good spot to fly that's not a club?
LA Wildfires Possible cause of slow shipping/customer service?
Shrinkflation is absolutely out of hand. Their trucks used to be over 50 feet long, now they're maybe 20 inches. Absurd!