Choosingbeggar expects veterinarians to work for free?
Selling tractors??
Error on dollar bill
Any tips before playing
Nice highlights from my annual Christmas $500 penny search
Giant wind turbine in the fog.
Breakdown of where all my Star notes come from if anyone want data on it.
What do you guys think? I was told to post it over here as well
Which non-leviathan carnivore do you hate the most?
I was hoarding items in boxes, but now I am just keeping them in the sand, so why do we have boxes?
You're not supposed to be here
Found a Star note with a Star filled in.
1.18 Large Island Seed
Why does this 1971 penny look like is has a L for the last 1.
Know where i can buy one of these?
Bro it can’t be that serious
Here are the following states and countries that I want an upcoming Fallout game to take place or I wouldn't mind playing.
How I almost LOST my new Hardcore World. (ignore my bridging)
Perks of working at the bank
Received this today. Is it real and worth 10 dollars?
Why will my plane not turn or pull up
My new bomber, the TAA-V-SB “Thunder”.
Plant on fire!?
Has anyone ever seen a $10,000 bill before in person?
Vehicle Repairs ruin the game.