Creating a nightmare boyfriend
guys, i miss my ex
How do you have more energy?
How do you remove dark circles on your under eye?
What are your mom's big 6 (signs+houses), your own big 6 (signs+houses) and what kind of mom was she to you?
Do you feel guilty when you don’t like people of your own zodiac sign.
What's your thoughts on a person with 3 Gemini placements? (Sun, Moon and Saturn)
How do you know the difference between anxiety symptoms and real health issues?
Do second or third chances usually work out in a relationship? Why or why not?
What is your opinion on integrating men’s and women’s sports?
What to get for a person who recently got diagnosed with cancer?
Americans are way too confident
Redditors in their mid to late 30s…how do you deal with the realization that you are getting older and that the unwavering ticking of time marches on?
Do y’all think a three year old is ready to play with my old doll?
As a woman do you feel threatened with what's going on around the world?
How’s life after marriage ??
How did you feel the moment you gave birth?
Do you think Ariana Grande looks sick now? Why or why not?
If God exists, what would you like to hear him say to you after death?
Wives, stay at home moms, what gifts do you want for Christmas?
What is the moral difference between aborting a 30 week old fetus inside their mother's womb and applying the same procedure to a premature already born 30 week old fetus?
What outdated technology do you miss the most and why?
Which placements would you NOT trauma dump around?
For those individuals who celebrate Christmas, when do you start buying gifts?
Will you rather choose a happy life living in an illusion (you'll get to know that you whole life was a lie right before you're dying) or a sorrowful life with a hurtful truth, and why?