Lemme see them prep sheets
Overpaying for soggy cold food
A Message to ALL Wellocks of all Kind in Onslaught
How is awilix even close to my Level 😂🤣 im baka btw
I feel like Martichoras needs another nerf.
We caught the real Martichoras, gang
Toph Should have been a warrior, Likely Mulan.
What is the deal with Speed hackers lately?
Why does Ranked have more trolls than casuals
Had to do this.
Servers being throttled??
After the last exotic tuning update, which exotic would you consider to be next in line in need of rework/buffs?
Make Mementos a thing again
Just some minor changes that didn't mean much to the game but they did to me and I just want them back or become a settings inside the options menu.
New Player: How Toxic Are Smite Players
Petition to remove this emoji
I just wanted to say, this sub is much more wholesome than other ones...
Need smite friends to have fun with
[D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2021-03-19]
Weekly Legends LFG Thread - October 30, 2020
Bug Report Megathread [Exo Mech / Crossplay Updates]