Installing TFT without League on PC
I've been addicted to League for 5 years now and this patch finally helped me quit
Hmm, where have I seen this before...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Manliest Romance anime
Dota 7.07c if it was made by reddit
What is XPPM?
Picking screen still shows old shrine locations
Bane in 7.07
Has Anyone Sold Their Steam Account? How DId The Process Go & Did You Get Caught?
What is only acceptable if you're a person of colour?
Whats the best solution you've seen to get rid of pain?
what is your opinion about bitcoin investment?
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
If a theme song played every time you entered a room, what would it be?
You wake up in 2150, what’s the first thing you google?
Is icefrog really going to leave invoker a top pick for going on 28 months?
About pangolier...
What would you do if you were God?
Is it possible that there are humans who may have been the best at something, but never tried?
If you could go back to only 1 time period, but could not take anything back with you or ever return, where and when would you go?
We can eat whenever we want to pretty much, so why can't we poop when we want to? Why is the body always in charge of when that happens?
What do you choose to become your horcrux?
What would be a terrible first-world problem to complain about to someone from a third-world country?
What are some alternative names for a bathroom?