Looking to learn driving standard
Looking for someone to do something fun with tomorrow or Saturday.
Looking for group to hike with
Open-mic comedy nights or groups
ADHD and Career Progression?
ADHD, Age and Management what are your experiences?
Breakup, school as an adult, friends, and dealing with negative emotions.
Jobs on campus
What is the best/most hassle-free way to put moisturizer on when you have a beard?
What should I make? I’ve got over 2 1/2 lbs of habaneros. My plant produced WAY more that I bargained for.
[PC] looking for low level or simple base/city building. Like "Kingdom" or the Island of Assassins Creed Black Flag.
Looking for premium games along the PC/Android lines.
What are these on my potatoes and peppers?
Seeds ready for next season
Pepper Identification and grow tips? It just said ornamental. However, the cashier warned me that her has a high pepper tolerance, and these are VERY hot.
Who's this chonky dude?
Is it too late??
Ring of Fire my first ever ripening pepper
My first pepper turning colour
2 ghost pepper plants 2 different outcomes
What is this pepper?
1 month progression on my peach habanero since grafting on a baccatum
Previously posted about aphid control in an office with no windows? (No idea how aphids got in). Now I’m baffled how this guy got in…