Just passed a group of frat age loud mouths with MAGA hats off the mall
Can we start a sleeping cat photo thread please?
Babysitting my parents dog. He loves to hide his medication.
Finding out my fav fitness influencer had a bbl
What band do you intensely dislike for no real reason?
What's something that caused you trauma and you didn't fully acknowledge/recognize it until a long time after said cause of trauma
He said he knew a hack for putting the duvet cover on
Guy freezes his hair and it stands tall
Please help me name this baby girl! Something cute and delicate, maybe floral
Someone held my lost cat for a “ransom,”… and then released her back outside.
What is a food that you miss from your childhood that was discontinued?
What was your favorite childhood snack?
Did My Own Wedding Makeup, Hair, and Henna
my bf sa me. what do I do
What to do with Instant Oatmeal?
Gary Sinise here. I founded Steppenwolf Theater with friends in 1974. Some of my favorite memories.
My friend is appalled that I sometimes eat Ranch with my scrambled eggs. Are they right?
Baby name for a girl Yara or Amira we are middle eastern living in America. Let me know why you picked the name also.
116,000 pens.
Left a doctors appointment while in the waiting room because someone wouldn’t stop talking to me. Feeling like a failure
AIO if I send these texts to her parents?
AIO to be suspicious my husband is cheating???
AIO for breaking up with my boyfriend after finding these texts?
Do you feel bad about turning down nice women you're just not very attracted to?
Clean up before you get into bed, right?