AITA for not wanting anything to do with my brother even after he tried to delete himself?
Nesting after infidelity - is it even an option?
is it reversible?
Her infidelity has left me broken
Cheating STBX dosn't want a divorce but dosn't seem to want to reconcile either. In limbo.
get to the doctor ! and demand an answer !
My wife of 22 years cheated on me with my brother 17 years ago.
Maybe not DB
Wife of 14 years (married 9) cheating
Successful Reconciliation – Is it possible
Telling the other betrayed spouse
1 year since D Day… is it time to call it quits?
How to tell kids that we are divorcing:(
My (30m) wife (29f) is cheating on me please read I’m struggling
When does this get better?
Wrote this poem after finding out about the affair
I found out my co-worker and boss are hooking up
Should I send this Letter to my WW who wants to reconcile?
We finally talked. We're progressing toward something, but I'm not sure what yet.
I asked if we are reconciling. How can I help him 😢
I love her still and want to be with her(D-day was Saturday)
Do people successfully reconcile after a 5+ year EA/PA?
Update. Finally confirmed that my wife is a cheater via PI
Telling the APs girlfriend
Medical Deadbedrooms, I see you