Stu is not freaking skilled and i think it needs a giganti nerf
They really don’t want me to get my account back huh
What is the best website to check the meta, news, or anything related to BS??
I'm quitting playing ranked.
I'm worried about my season trophies on Buzz Lightyear
To all the People saying Meeple Sucks
Is Kenji worth it? I'm really considering buying pizza slices for him
What is the probability of this happening in 2 games in a row?
Is 8 Bit a strong brawler?
this makes me kinda sad
What if Kenji had back tattoos like this
Would you switch?
CUTIE Larry & Lawrie
Why does everyone need to say this
Why can‘t I have normal teammates for once?!
What are the things in brawl stars that makes you happy?
What gets you mad in brawl stars?
Petition to change antivirus 8 bit colors to this
Never refund a brawlpass
Did anybody else not get their contest pizzas?
You cant tell me I lost with stats like this
Something’s off
Guys it happened
I made mini brawlers
The WORST brawler in the game