When the Moon Hatched - please tell me it gets better
Do I have time to write a 40 pages Bachelor Thesis in one month
Lord of the Rings still amazes me
How am I supposed to pass bikers on mountain roads?
Over identifying with fictional characters? and how to help?
Who would you marry out of the entirety of lotr? (Multiple allowed)
What is your least favorite scene added to the movies that wasn’t in the books?
I’m an older undergrad with a crush on my GSI—looking for serious advice ;(
Some gems from a nearby “Private Studio”
On today's episode of "Pimp my halls"
There's a neighborhood in Lake Forest where the streets are named after Muppets.
What are Aragorns weaknesses/faults/shortcomings?
If you were to live anywhere in Middle Earth (post destruction of Sauron), where would it be?
recreation.gov wilderness permits sell out in a few seconds?
Achievement Get: How Did We Get Here?
Southwest Airlines pilots make split-second decision to avoid collision in Chicago
I didn’t meet my soulmate on BART, but I did discover something about Bay Area young people
What Ship or type of fanfic, you are currently obsessed with or writing??
Ultimate Fictional Crushes at Romantasy Bookcon LA
Why am I scared to wear this in public? It’s my new purse (messenger bag) I’d rather blend in and not be seen. I already feel embarrassed
Part 7: I’ve challenged myself to watch all LOTR movies – because my husband loves them
What is your favourite friendship / relationship between 2 characters? (Books &/or movies)
Help me convince my wife
Where did they get the wood for Edoras?