Ceny biletów kolejowych to jakiś kiepski żart
Czy u Was w rodzinie też używa się innych imion niż w metrykach?
Listopadowy sondaż pollster. PiS 34,3% | KO 32,3% | Konfederacja 13,5% | Trzecia Droga 7,7% | Nowa Lewica 5,8% | Bezpartyjni Samorządowcy 3% | Razem 1,5%
Gra w której najlepiej się bawisz
Can you recommend songs that feel like the artist is giving it there 100%
Strong and fast beat songs?
What’s your favorite song from “What Happened to the Heart”?
If been wondering, what other artists or band y’all would recommend?
the most BRITISH voices
Czy wy też straciliście poczucie czasu?
Men , what are you struggling with right now?
Does anyone else think that 101 is their best album?
Do you guys organize your spotify?
How common are depeche mode nights in your local bars/ goth clubs?
What's everybody's favourite song from each album?
Utwory które dawniej uwielbialiscie, ale teraz albo nie znosicie albo uważacie za krindż?
What are your favorite Songs from "Construction Time Again"?
Mam absolutnie dość bycia zmuszanym do jazdy po drodze jako rowerzysta
Which is the best song in each album, in your opinion
Hot take: without nostalgia bonus, Memento Mori would be up there with DOFAD and Ultra
thoughts on this album?
You get 1 song to prove you have good music taste, what are you playing?
r/DepecheMode's favorite post-2000 albums - Day 9. It was time to be reminded about Röyksopp's "Melody A.M." with 16 votes.
What is everybody’s #1 song of all time.
r/DepecheMode's favorite post-2000 albums - Day 6. Ultimately, nothing else compared to Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood to the Head" in the closest day of polling thus far.