Do you also don‘t like people at your house ?
Had to say goodbye
Welche Folge (Erwachsene und Kids) ist am wenigsten spannend?
transphobic stickers
Wie heißt diese Folge?
New bird, need advice
Thinking about rescuing birds.
Theory: Rarity was sacrificed to buy Amber more time in WI because mamalynn won't come get her
What the big 🍒 scene reminds me of
Care work, dysphoria and general rant
I'm not sure about you, but when I have an open garden, I too set up my camera and film a bit about my missing cat when my dog is alone in the snow outside
Destruction!!! 😈
Mit Lily befreundet sein 🚬
What is your budgie's cutest pose you captured?
Komische Situation mit Kind
Was war die die erste drei ??? - Folge die ihr gehört habt?
Yalllll lmaoooo
Does she brush her teeth?
Das ist tief
Are my budgies gay? They've been doing this for 10 minutes
Is dating cis men really hopeless?
They’ve really got something against the JS-2 Heavy Tank. I’ve changed it a few times, and they still insist on attacking the same box.
Banana Birb 🍌🦜