How could *blank* be *blank* in the books.
What would the Arcane sell??
The Wheel of Time?
My head canon for Marcone
Alright, let's talk about Molly
How did you found out about Dresden Files? I blame Villain support for my addiction 😅
Bruce Campbell would make an Amazing Harry Dresden
Is there some lore that Butcher got fundamentally wrong?
Just started listening to The Law… kinda don’t care for it.
Does Marcone know about…
Yellow Pages Listing???
Who or what is Mac? And yes I am aware that this has been brought up before.
What's the most "What the fuck is going on?!" moment in the series
Found a fan on Helldivers 2
Every Dresden Files fan is obligated to post whenever they visit Chichén Itza
Dresden im Schnee von oben und unten
James Marsters makes Rudolph so much more hateable
Thrift store find
Is there any chance that the new version of the Dresden Files tv show could still happen?
I'm Jumping Back into the Files
Twelve Months is at 92%
New to the series.
It's Time for a TV Redux
12 months should begin with a lawyer reading the last will of _______
PHD Hendricks?