From the streets to likes a journey to delicious eats
Reggie doesn't understand why he suddenly has a tiny clone that follows him around.
Picture of my cat after getting neutered 🏀🏀 | He got some good stuff 😅
Meet Theodore Alessandro Bunnington II
So whats the catch? getting a pc with specs like this for 800$ seems too good to be true, is it any good for gaming?
So, how's your week going?
E waste mini pc
Mini Pc for sims 4 and lite gaming
Who shit in this guys cereal??
Amazon tried to get me
Do minipcs have a shorter lifespan since they are made of laptop parts?
No flex routes
DAE's phlegm taste and smell like chicken soup when they are sick?
Tigers Renew Broadcast Deal with Diamond Sports, to Remain on Fanduel Sports Network
Always deliver Crew: what’s the workaround for this?
+play stuff: Worth the trouble?
USB fans to help cooling Mini PC
Your fav type of deliveries
Just Penny Prudence preparing to remove my lungs via my butthole after I gave her ear meds
Crazy Stupid
I'm not scared of flying - but flying over the Pacific Ocean at night to Hawaii whilst experiencing turbulence is something else...
My cat has weird fur patterns and asymmetrical hairs (he's perfectly healthy tho! Just weird looking)
Tigers Javy Baez plan proves Chris Ilitch is destined to ruin another contender
Please choose 1 for my "First" Mini PC