What musical is your flair from?
Poorly describe a character you have played from a musical and have others guess it!!
Polyphemus wins! And lastly, who’s a horrible person who deserves to be hated?
Winner is.. the sheep? interesting choice.. who’s morally grey and hated by the fandom?
Reupload: Who’s a good person but hated in the fandom?
Sorry about skipping yesterday! Who is a terrible person but opinion spilt?
Who’s morally grey, and opinion-spilt?
Poseidon wins! Who’s good but we’re not sure if we like them or not
Are my parents strict?
Third round! Who’s a horrible person but loved by the fans?
Start as many songs as you chains as possible
Second round! Who’s morally grey but seen as the hero?
New Template? Who’s a good person and loved by the fans?
I wish someone could love me the same way I love them.
Theme songs- round 2: extreme hype when the first chord is played
Themes songs board - First up: Going to the gym
musical recommendations based off of my ratings of other musicals i’ve seen?
If/when epic is turned into an on stage musical, who do you think will play each roles?
We know you’re upset about the removals. Chill.
“I’ll be fine. I promise.” She told me.
americas cooked
Google and Apple sign in not working
What song is she singing?
Describe an AJR song very poorly