Koraidon and Brute Bonnet in Ancient Box?
Is there a tool, or a pokemon that blocks friendly fire?
Hand disruption in ogerbolt
Five people infected as bird flu appears to go from cows to chickens to humans
Bench Protection
Raging bolt ex deck help
Just reached Arceus league with 65% win rate, AMA
Raging Bolt player: How do I protect myself against Iono and Unfair Stamp?
Is this a house cat or a wild animal?
[Bell] Mike Macdonald says his Seahawks have about 20% of his defense installed. Players having some trouble in OTAs with checks. Macdonald has the walkie-talkie calling the defensive plays at practices
Chimney cakes?
It seems that the Spring arrived in Seattle area much earlier this year: already spotted quite sone early cherry blossoms around.
Fewest countries with more than half the land, people and money [OC]
What’s the single-worst decision that’s ever been made in the course of human history?
Would Satoshi approve of BlackRock's ETF or any ETF?
Intelligent debate between crypto skeptic and believer?
Why I sold $S0L at $14
Stake with Ledger
Did i just lose 100 ETH on my wallet? :(
What do you think will happen to BITCOIN?
Why did my first Q not damage the Annie?
Ledger vs Coinbase 🙋💵
Fuck $SNAP, fuck this clown world and fuck this clown market
Sleeper + Sweepers: A Strategy Guide to Beat the Battle Tower in Pokemon Emerald
Do I have to sell my entire position to avoid a wash sale?