What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
From today live, X give N advice and gets honest with him
Worth a watch
I feel stuck
You’re given 1000 of whatever you last Googled. What is it?
How to handle being ghosted
Why is a 4 person school shooting murder gaining nonstop attention?
I got a job and my whole family is falling apart
If you need coffee to “wake up” you’re either not sleeping enough or you have low testosterone
What's the best way to handle a friend with anxiety ?
What mobile game has you hooked?
What's something that people should be paid to do?
Uncle addicted to cocaine.
What movie have you seen an unhealthy number of times?
Which mobile game are you currently addicted to?
What’s an obscure movie line that you say on a daily basis but no one gets?
How can we make productivity fun?
Arguing tips
Whats a hill you’re willing to die on?
how do does one get over the crippling fear of their gf seeing their bald spot during breast sucking?
Which would you be more scared to see in the woods a bear or a man?
If you could, would you rather spend a day with your younger or older self, and why?
Am I reading too far into it? Or was it genuine?
Should I take a hint that no ever asking me to do anything with them as me being worthless?
Please help me with this