“The Grand Skull is……” (Ultimates #10 2025)
All the signs of Greatness where there in the Early Work of FRANK QUITELY!
What's the general opinion on Tom King's Danger Street?
Interview: Steve Orlando on Guiding The Vision and The Scarlet in New Miniseries - Freaksugar
Of all the characters we have NOT already seen lifting Mjolnir(in main continuity) who do you think deserves it? (art from Thor 2020 #7)
If you could purchase/spearhead any Image Rob Leifeld creation, which would you pick?
Eddie is very lucky he is not a mutant [Venom on Trial #1]
[Cover] Krypto: The Last Dog of Krypton #1 by Jae Lee
What is your wishlist of things you want to see happen in the MCU's X-Men and Mutant landscape?
What is the message of Fight Club?
NYX #9 Preview
STORM #6 Preview
What do y'all think about Elektra being an Avenger
Poor Bucky... right? [Hellhunters #3]
Why do people hate Tom King so much?
Seriously what ever happened to this guy?
I just know he's losing sleep in that cell of his.
[Film/TV] We've got My Adventures with Superman, Green Lantern next. Who would you want to see next? I'm partial to Batman purely because he's my favorite, but Martian Manhunter is pretty overdue for some big content.
Do you like Terry McGinnis as Batman's son or do you prefer he not be his son?
What's going on with Atom Smasher in the new JL Atom Project?
In a theoretical Sidekick/Henchmen swap alternate earth, what do you imagine the characters to be like?
[Fan Art] The Watcher & Tempus Fuginatt by Tenshi!
[Comic Excerpt] Green Lanterns terraforming a planet is such a cool idea [Rann-Thanagar War #5]
[Discussion) The enchantress in an hero rogues gallery