Thinking about picking up the game, what should I aim to reroll for?
It’s ridiculous how many griefers consistently get away with it - you can give time stamps of when they ADMIT to it and explicit detail of how they break the code of conduct and nothing
Your favorite Item
Is postgame ranking system broken?
current #1 Ornn Player on Euw Makkro released a video of him bųgabusing current Ornn passive in Ranked numerous times and defending himself in the comments by saying "he only did it in 5 out of 50 games" yet continues to abuse it
Wish there was a scrimage line before the game
Are ARAM only players getting even less rewards than before.
Looking for Champions to play midlane
Worst season?
Phreak 25.1.2 rundown
Lundqvist Lightside vs. Los Ratones / Northern LoL Championship 2025 Winter Seeding - Day 1 / Post-Match Discussion
Want to pick up one of the four horsewomen of toplane, who should i pick?
25.S1.2 Full Patch Preview
Why do the Masque of the Black Rose skins suck so much?
Unpopular Opinion: minion changes are good
I fought against two junglers, how the hell do I even counter this?
Game is dead?
RiotPhroxzon's review after two full days of data
I think Mel is a much better APC than midlaner.
The problem of getting champions for new players in 2025
T3 Boots winrate
Ok t3 boots being locked to the side that gets feats of strength is just stupid
Why don't Riot take a more hardline stance against smurfing at the casual level?
Velkoz W will probably be bugged when new season releases tomorrow
As a low elo player i'm losing hope