What are your thoughts on the reasons why the black Hebrew Israelite group believes they are real descendants of the Israelites
Receiving Grace
As an atheist, how do you deal with the knowledge of your own death
What's the best response to "I don't need to be saved"?
As an atheist, how do you deal with the knowledge of your own death?
If I'm an otherwise good person but I don't believe in God do I still go to heaven?
We are living in Satan's little season and the 1000 year reign is long past.
5 Sins of Jesus of the Bible
The problem with the Kalam argument…
Jesus committed the eternal sin
If deceased infants and stillborn children still end up in Heaven, then this completely and utterly destroys any sort of sort of response to the Problem of Evil that involves "free will"
The Parable of the Wicked Farmers highlights problems with Jesus's teaching style
The sin of pride
Reddit thinks I am ban evading?
Science APART - why are you an atheist?
The main r/christianity is sad.
What happened to r/Christianity?
Is drinking beer a sin?
When I ask for forgiveness and give thanks to god I don’t feel anything
Eternal security- true or false?
Am I going to hell for being lgbt?
Deconstructing My Faith
Military Briefing: Operation Eternal Dominion Over Darkness
Do Gnostic Christians still exist??
How often do you guys sin?