Turtonator RAID - 405954156183
Dialga on us, two local players, add me 322105898514 . Its an easy raid with just 3 trainers so lets get that shiny!
Doing Shadow Ho-Oh for 3 hours. 5 gyms near me. Starting in 20 minutes! 9276 8981 8583
Join me in some ho oh raids today! 506240512535
Multiple shadow ho oh 656275426667
Shadow ho oh 958665645137
Shadow Hooh raid RN. Add 6913 3111 8851 & be online and ready!
Which one to show my gf?
Deoxys defense: 8988 5270 1626
943659027071 deoxy on me :)
592037148124 DEOXYS please join asap🫶🏻
Add me for UK daily gifts for best friends xp pls
Looking for friends to send gifts to 768383541103
Add me 675357924356 please ☺️
483052855857 Please help my cousin with gifts! he needs more pokeballs, thank you :)
9154 7258 3227 - Live next to two Poke Stops. Seriously, I need more active friends!
Friends needed!!!!!☺️
Need some active friends!
Mega latias raid 35 min
Mega latias raid on me!!! - 086693049925
Mega Latios raid can only invite 5 so invite others once in
WB Mega Latios Raid 629622029714
752096093238) (466415185838) Genesect raid (party power) WEATHER BOOSTED
Genesect raid now! 017800208693