RX 550 or GTX 750 Ti (both 2gb)
Placas de vídeo para quem não exige muito (kkkk)
Ir morar com o pai em uma cidade melhor com (possíveis) mais chances de ficar empregado na minha de atuação área ou continuar com a minha mãe controladora e ter um trabalho tranquilo com uma boa remuneração?
First time playing build 42 just gave me the same vibes as playing zomboid for the first time
How it feels to be an AMD GPU user (b42 doesnt work)
How can I (20M) help my mentally unstable gf(19F)?
Black screen problem at build 42
B42 black screen and crash, some possible solutions.
Stuck on intializing
Tried to Play B42 Unstable & Couldn't
Afraid on my first job
I am Michael Hädrich from FEX (keyboards, guitar, vocals). AMA
Server hosting keeps crashing....
(part of the) cover of Dire Straits's Album
Best soil moisture for orchids (lil project)
Duvidas. Duvidas. Duvidas.
Almost giving up
Little camp I made on the radio station at east of the McCoy Lumbermill. My best run so far in a ''super'' hardcore save!
Lugares abandonados em RP
Are you ready for Freddy?
secret room in fracture
For the god sake, somebody (PLEASE) help me. My character just got stuck into the zomboid limbo. What do I do?
today we lost electricity for a couple hours; generator time! (gasoline generator’s instruction manual)
My character just... can't avoid these kind of start loot........