The Guardian is out with more agitprop about how a "pandemic treaty" - where nations completely cede sovereignty to the BMGF/Wellcome Trust-funded WHO - is the only way to prevent another "pandemic" like COVID.
Oh, why won't someone think of Moderna's poor shareholders!!!???
"Silent COVID" now joins the constellation of COVID outcomes that includes "short COVID," "medium COVID," and "long COVID." 🤡
“There were no government shutdowns”
Only a complete imbecile would fall for this trite COVID redux. We're in Jan 2025 ... not Jan 2020!
The fearmongering is BACK!
The abuse of COVID relief funds was unparalleled!
2 weeks after the beginning of the 4th Winter of Severe Illness & Death For The Unvaccinated™, everyone is literally coughing up their lungs just before they die.
2024 COVID redux - " ... individuals experiencing fevers, headaches and runny noses, in addition to difficulty breathing and anemia ... The numbers differ because the case definition is still unclear" (TLDR: We're making shit up as we go.)
ZC cares sooooo much about disabled people. Until they have a condition that makes it painful to wear a mask. Then it's "suck it up, buttercup!"
Scratch a Zero, find a bloodthirsty ghoul.
Pfizer's 2024 Advent calendar has just been released!
British nurses want "the government to recognise long-COVID as an occupational disease." So what happened to the once-pervasive notion that COVID boosters reduce the incidence and severity of long-COVID?
Researchers of study which allows the participants to SELF-DIAGNOSE as having "long COVID" are shocked to discover that people who skive - because they have "long COVID" and cut down their own working hours - are going to experience "financial hardship" (another self-reported measure).
Scientific research has become satire: "Psychological disease incidence patterns changed substantially during the pandemic in South Korea. Various pandemic-related stressors, such as disrupted lifestyles and hospital accessibility, ***MAY*** have influenced these changes."
Victorians are being warned about ANOTHER summer wave just ahead of Christmas because 7-day hospitalisations have increased by 59% to 197, and cases have jumped 44% to 6,965 ... in a state with over 6.5 MILLION people.
So you think your brother died due to the jab yet the people who refused it are the crazy ones? Unbelievable...
After a 2-year investigation, the US Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has confirmed what the conspiracy theorists determined FIVE years ago: EVERYTHING about the COVID pandemic was fraudulent.
Wha year is it?
NHS England is telling people that they only have 3 more weeks left to book their COVID and flu vaxxes online... as a huge effort to help avoid a tripledemic this winter. 🤡
As the antivaxxers face their 4th Winter of Severe Illness & Death®, it is time for the outgoing The Party of Science™ administration to remind them that ...
When baptizing, good marksmanship is important...
According to the WHO and JHU's Bloomberg School of Public Health (the same BSPH behind the CladeX, SPARS, Event 201, Catastrophic Contagion, Dark Winter and Atlantic Storm pandemic simulations), we need even MORE safe and effective vaxxes for a host of diseases and parasites... esp. in Africa.
"Around 60 per cent of the population will reject another Covid-19 shot." - Pew Research Centre poll.
It's an "update" now.