Can anyone tell me what kind of plant this is and if I can propagate it in water? Please and thanks!
Please post the most recent picture you took of your pup!
Found in my grandparents closet. Should I get it graded?
Last one. Any idea what breed?? Thank you all so much
Another 3 we will have graded soon.
A couple we’re looking forward to have graded.
Written up OFF THE CLOCK
My wax melt burner oozes purple wax. I'm melting orange melts.
Found these micro "nurse caps"- first thought was: pet paw covers. But please tell me what dis isss (They look essentially like nurse caps or commercial kitchen cook net caps)
Eye spasm for the last 2 weeks
What's a stereotypical name for a stoner (that isn't Kyle)?
Show your pups who are “over it”
What didn't you know about pregnancy?
How far along are you this week & how are you doing?!
What are you craving RIGHT NOW?
My ex insisted that I get an abortion and now he wants to go to my first prenatal appointment.
Why are people so weird about not breastfeeding???
Anyone else "steal" their baby name?
Is this a mini monstera? Wondering how long I should wait before repotting and/or adding a pole/stake. The pot is about 5 inches and plant is labeled monstera.
Labeled as Pothos, plant Net says likely monstera. Is this a Pothos? It looks very different from the golden I have so I’d love which kind of Pothos if so..Thanks for any and all help! :)
Labeled Pothos but wondering what kind if that’s right.. it looks very different compared to others I’ve had. PlantNet app says likely monstera. Thoughts?
This bird (right) has made a nest directly outside of my window against an AC unit. Should I leave it or try to remove it? Is there something wrong with this bird,or just a bit messy?
Has anyone given their baby a name their family hated? Did they come round to it?
Does anyone know what this could be? Genuine error coin or man made damage?
show me the last photo you took of your dog. no cheating!