How to transition from advanced to pure native content (like street interviews)
Ironic Debate with ITalki tutor
Level 7 in 7 months
My data point from the land of early speaking
When are you fluent? Answered(Maybe!)
How often to take breaks?
Understand but do not remember
DS/CI & Living w/ Native Speaker(s)
Should Reading come later or earlier?
4 years, 6 months, 1,500 hours: Level 7 Update
Cool website update
Your comprehension level
What is your age and why are you learning Spanish?
i am at 170h .
Thoughts on early reading?
Next guide....Dominican
When someone asks me what I can say in Spanish
Better goal tracking in DS with date
Seeking Advise from the Speakers
“But can you actually understand Spanish?”
How Do You Track Video Game CI?
Level 3- intermediate... Am I still allowed to watch beginner videos lol
Does anyone listen while at work?
Understanding native speakers in social gatherings
Question on the Future of Dreaming Spanish